5 signs of vitamin D deficiency in your body .. including sweating of the head


Books – Moataz Hbadan:

Many believe that eating foods containing all the nutrients is the basis of a healthy diet, but this is not enough to get the right amount of vitamin D.

especially with a lack of sun exposure, this causes a vitamin D deficiency, which means that the chances of getting vitamin D are lower and that certain foods like salmon, eggs and Dairy products ", But this is not enough, the sun remains the main source of this vitamin needed for skin and bones Vitamin D deficiency in adults causes diseases such as osteoporosis, l? high blood pressure and diabetes.

The most important symptoms that indicate a lack of vitamin "D" is, according to the publication of the "Deutsche Welle".

1 – Pain in bones and limbs

According to the experts, the difficulty of movement waking up, especially in winter, may be due to vitamin D deficiency

2. Overweight

High fats can have a negative effect on the level of vitamin D in the blood. Because vitamin D is fat soluble, it means that excess fat reduces the amount of vitamin.

3. Dark Skin

Studies have shown that demographic differences affect vitamin D deficiency. Skin pigmentation acts as a natural sunscreen and sunscreens reduce the skin's ability to produce 97% vitamin D . This means that dark skin owners have more exposure to sunlight.

4. Severe sweating of the head

is one of the most common signs of vitamin D deficiency

5. Stomach problems

People with inflammatory bowel syndrome are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Inflammation of the intestine, like others gastrointestinal diseases, leads to a low absorption of fat that causes the fusion of vitamin D in the body.

Therefore, experts recommend adequate exposure to sunlight and the best time to get enough vitamin D between 10 am and 3 pm

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