5 simple tips to get rid of obesity without diet


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5 simple tips to get rid of obesity without diet

Posted in 28-7 – 2018


The old adage says, "If you do not plan, you have planned to fail," so you need a food plan.
But be careful not to deprive yourself of all the foods you love, so there must be varieties that you like to eat.

Good Sleep
Sleep does not help your body get rid of the troubles of a long day, but it really helps to fight fat, sleep less than seven to eight hours each night , can increase your appetite, and even force you to eat a lot of fat
The American Institute of Medicine has confirmed that a diet consisting of 25 to 35% of the body's calories, fat helps you to get rid of more weight.
But healthy fats and oils, such as high fat foods such as nuts

Eat More Protein
Protein helps to keep muscle and non-fat from the body, also helps to increase the burning calories of the body, and the protein makes you feel full for a long time,

Be patient
You have not gained weight overnight, you lose weight, you also need of time, so give yourself time and your body to burn fat and get rid of excess weight. Be patient and do not rush results.

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