5 sudden reasons not to lose weight!


Simple lifestyle changes can help you lose weight and get rid of unwanted excess fat, according to dietitian Rick Hay.

In the Healthista article, Hai reveals five surprising reasons for not being able to lose weight:

To drink coffee

You may need to rethink the number of cups of coffee you eat each day, which can help you lose weight.

"Coffee is a stimulant of the nervous system, but it can speed up the body's various functions, lowering blood sugar levels to generate the energy needed for such functions," says nutritionist Rick Hay.

So we might think that coffee can help burn calories faster, which is a bit positive, but it's not the truth.

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"When blood sugar levels drop, our brain will make us want to eat to restore those levels and eat more," he says.

It is recommended to replace the coffee by drinking green tea throughout the day, giving us small doses of caffeine, which will not lead to high blood sugar. It has also been shown to increase metabolism.

2 – difficult exercise

Carbohydrates are used primarily as fuel because they release energy very quickly. When your body drains its carbohydrate stores to almost zero, it looks for other sources of energy.

"If the energy is consumed too quickly, the first thing your body burns is the creatine phosphates stored in the muscles, but the process only lasts about 20 to 30 seconds," says Hay. Time interferes with carbohydrates, which are sources of energy saving because they quickly release energy.

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"Gram per gram, fat releases more energy (9 kg per gram) than carbohydrates (4 kg per gram), but at a slower pace, so it's not very effective."

This does not mean that you should avoid carbohydrates before exercising. "The body is constantly trying to synchronize what it burns with the rate of burning of energy at a given time," says Hay.

At that time, you can synchronize your activity with the speed at which your body burns fat precisely, with minimal effort but with maximum satisfaction.

"The body takes longer to process and extract the energy from the fats than it needs.If you exercise at full capacity, the carbohydrates will burn, because the compatibility between the pace of exercise and the carbohydrate rate is the closest option, "says Hay.

So, the exercise should not be done with the greatest energy.

Salt and sweeteners

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Sodium is a metal used by the body to control the amount of water in our system. The more sodium we accumulate in our body, the greater the retention of water without being thrown into the urine, which can cause the body to retain additional fluids.

At the same time, one can not do without sodium because it is an important component of cell metabolism, so all cells must contain it. This does not mean the need to ban salt intake, but rather to control the amounts consumed daily.

With regard to sweeteners, Hai recommends looking for natural and healthy alternatives such as honey and black honey, which replace sugar and are very beneficial for health, and do not contain sodium.

4 – sparkling water

A study published in the Journal of Obesity Research and Clinical Practice in 2017 showed that carbon dioxide in soft drinks can affect weight gain by increasing the secretion of ghrelin.

Garlic is known as the hormone of hunger and is mainly produced in the stomach. Its many effects are an increase in appetite. Guerrillas also control the short-term appetite by warning you that it's time to eat.

The study also showed that although carbonated water does not contain sugars or industrial sweeteners, carbon dioxide, which gives water a shine, can also lead to of weight by the secretion of ghrelin.

5. Pollution

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Hai says that there is more and more evidence that pollution can affect our weight.

A study conducted in Beijing in 2016 found that chronic exposure to airborne particles could increase the risk of obesity and metabolic syndromes, such as type 2 diabetes, l & rdquo; High blood pressure and heart disease.

Pollution weight gain was badociated with activation of pathways leading to inflammation and oxidative stress, factors that promote the development of various metabolic syndromes, including type 2 diabetes.

Another study, published in the journal Nature, shows how persistent organic pollutants, such as PCBs, can lead to insulin-resistant glucose gain and intolerance.

"It's virtually impossible to avoid exposure to air pollution and chemicals, such as persistent organic pollutants," Rick said.

Studies have shown that fish and meat are the main sources of dietary exposure to POPs. Foods such as vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, rice, algae, legumes, nuts and tea are badociated with lower serum PCBs in mothers and fetuses.

Eating organic foods does not just mean ingesting harmful chemicals, but eating foods at their best nutritional level.

Source: Daily Mail

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