587 students take the exams of the second preparatory cycle in South Sinai


Under-secretary of the Ministry of Education of South Sinai, Mohamed Akl, announced that 16 governorate level committees have completed all preparations to receive 587 students who pbad the second cycle exams for Preparatory Schools South Sinai, Saturday, July 19. On Saturday, a number of committees of the second-round examinations in the schools of the education administration of Ras Sidr included the committees of the ten schools of Ramadan preparatory and peace education Basic [19659004] Bawadi Seder and Mohammed Saad Abu Sari Primary accompanied by Abdel Razek Othman, Sidr.

He called on observers to write the name on the tripartite answer sheet and to carefully review the student data and to provide all the comfort and tranquility of the students on the committees and to apply the instructions and rules governing reviews of observers, observers and students. That there is a main operations room headed by the director of the Direction to follow all the work of the exams and overcome the obstacles first, adding that there are sub-departments of the halls. operation of all educational departments

For the primary and the first and second grades, while on Saturday began the examinations of the sixth grade preparatory and preparatory certificate.

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