6 complications threaten your health in the heat wave .. The most dangerous stroke


Caution and attention during hot weather and during hot weather, we take care to avoid heat-related diseases caused by exposure to high temperatures.

There are certain diseases that a person suffers from heat exposure by the time that it calls a medical condition can occur as a result of exposure to heat, even if it is short, and can cause serious health problems, including related illnesses

– Strike of the sun.

– Thermal stress.

– thermal convulsions.

– thermal fading.

– Skin rash.

Stroke is the most serious form of heat-related illness and requires immediate medical attention.

Some people, such as the elderly, infants, young children and foreign workers, who suffer from chronic diseases, are at increased risk of contracting heat-related illnesses.

High temperatures
High temperatures

The signs and symptoms of fever-related illness vary from case to case, but may include:

High body temperature.



Weakness and lethargy in the body.



Muscle spasm.


The treatment of heat-related diseases usually involves the removal of the individual from the warm environment and the rapid implementation of the body's cooling measures with abundant hydration.

Ambulance cuts
Ambulance cuts

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