6 General information on the Bab al-Mandab Strait, through which Saudi Arabia suspended the export of oil



Published on:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 15:02
| Last update:
Thursday, July 26, 2018 – 15:02

Saudi oil minister Khalid al-Falih announced an immediate and temporary suspension of all oil exports in the Bab Al-Mandab Strait after the attack on two crude oil-laden vessels. On the other hand, the Al-Masri chain of Houthis announced that the fighters of the movement Ansar Allah Houthi were targeting a Saudi warship off the west coast of Yemen called "Dammam".

Facts about Yemen

Saudi Arabia suspends oil exports via Bab al-Mandab

Saudi Arabia has been in the lead for more than a year (19659005 But what is the Bab al-Mandab Strait?

  Saudi Arabia suspends oil exports via Bab al-Mandab

[Arabie saoudite] suspends oil exports via Bab al-Mandab ” width=”491″ height=”276″ data-highest-encountered-width=”624″ />

Here are the six most important pieces of information on this strait:

Red Sea separates the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean and separates the continents of Africa and Asia, bordering the African side of Djibouti and the Asian side of Yemen. Which is located east and the area of ​​two square kilometers, the first two cbads, the channel of the East is known as "Bab S
Geological studies indicate that the strait appeared in because of Africa's divergence from Asia as a result of the Syrian-African rift that the Red Sea formed in the late 1980s, and the second was the Western Channel. [19459006TheimportanceoftheBabal-MandabStraitincreasedaftertheopeningoftheSuezCbadin1869whichlinkedBahraintotheRedSeawheretheStraitconnectedtradebetweenEuropetheCaribbeanandtheMiddleEast39IndianOceanandEastAfricasuitableforthemovementofoiltankersinthedirection
The Strait enjoys great military and security importance, and Egypt l & rsquo; Closed to Israel during the 1973 war. After the September 2001 attacks in the United States, an American force ensured navigation in the strait against al Qaeda and pirates of the region.

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