6 vitamins needed for women after forty years .. get to know them … Masrawy


08:00 p

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


After reaching the age of 40 and approaching the stage of breaking the menstrual cycle, women need a number of vitamins to maintain their physical and intellectual strength.

1-vitamin A

Strengthen immunity and bones, improve vision, renew dead cells and promote cardiovascular efficiency.

Vitamin A is found in dairy products, eggs, carrots, beans, bananas and spinach.

2-vitamin B12

To strengthen memory and concentration, fight insomnia and protect the bones from fragility and weakness.

It is found in seafood, birds and red meat.

3-vitamin C

This vitamin helps to delay aging and damage cells, strengthen the heart, improve activity and enhance immunity.

It is found in guava, thyme, broccoli, lemon and strawberries.

4-vitamin D

To prevent osteoporosis, improve memory, protect against heart disease, stroke and depression.

There are eggs, fish, coconut milk and mushrooms.


Strengthen bones and prevent their vulnerability, preventing joint pain.

It is found in broccoli, cabbage and legumes.

6-Omega 3

To strengthen memory, fight inflammation, improve mood and regulate blood pressure.

Omega 3s are found in soy, spinach and broccoli.

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