7.2 million shares responding to the mandatory purchase offer of Suez Bags


Wednesday, August 1, 2018 05:04 AM (Arab News – Your way of knowing the truth)

(Arab News – Your way of knowing the truth) The stock market has shown that the total initial quantities meeting the Sue Bags' mandatory purchase offer 7.2 million shares at the end of Tuesday's session.

The stock market has opened its special market to offer compulsory purchase of Suez shares for bags from July 3 to 31.

The purchase price offered to Suez Bags by Mundi Industrial Baggs BV reaches 7.6 million shares for a value of 26.01 pounds per share and will be executed on the stock market within 5 working days the expiry date of the offer

Over the three months ending in March, compared with a profit of 13.2 million pounds in the comparative period of 2017 .

The shares to be acquired by Mondi include the share of Tora Cement and Suez Cement, which are 53.32% and 4.52% Mundi announced last month that it was going to acquire all the shares of the national society

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