7 signs that your baby is affected by iron deficiency


Iron is one of the most important nutrients that the body must receive daily because it helps the production of red blood cells, which prevents anemia from anemia, and can be infected with anemia without the mother knowing it.

Dr. Tamer Abdul Hamid Consultant Pediatrics and neonatology, there are 7 signs on the baby confirms the incidence of iron deficiency in the blood, including: – slow growth, where the child has a growth retardation greater than the normal rate and this is the result of the lack of production of protein hemoglobin in blood cells
2 – Lack of appetite and rejection of food and l? This is noticeable in the mucous membranes of the conjunctiva of the eye and in the lips and palms.Although the disease progresses, the lesion is evident throughout the skin.
4. The speed of the heartbeat
5. Sweating during the run
6 – Cracking the lips.
7 – headaches and headaches with vertigo This manifests itself through the crying of the child and his inability to play and move.

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