7 warning signs of obesity


News: 7 warning signs of obesity, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction by our news news website, an information site has was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content to present the Arab and international news Many reliable sources of information, where we are eager to follow all that is new on the political arena, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site News, 7 warning signs of obesity Most of us are aware of the risks that can stem from obesity: when the disease worsens, it becomes more dangerous and men who suffer from obesity. Obese women are more likely to develop heart disease.Many women experience fertility problems.As they get older, they suffer from hypertension, knee pain, osteoporosis, back pain and many diseases.

Now, obesity is something that can only be treated when a person is able to distinguish between overweight and obesity, and there are signs that you have to pay attention.

Signs of Obesity:
1- Shortness of breath : If you find that it is difficult to move, this may be due to obesity, and the obese people see the accumulation of fat around the neck, (19659007) This is a serious condition and indicates one of the other problems that hinder the ability to perform daily tasks.The execution of daily tasks may seem like a good thing, so that's fine. Talk to your doctor and take effective measures to adopt a more active lifestyle.

2 – Back Pain: is considered one of the first signs of obesity, human weight structure carrying excess natural, and when this weight is leaning on his back, he often complains of looking for a bone disease specialist to help as soon as possible.

If proper care is not provided, it can manifest itself in the form of severe cases such as vertebral incontinence and vertebral fractures, which can lead to permanent disability that may be difficult to treat by the following.

3. Refusal to Go: Obese people are ashamed of their bodies, so they tend to be isolated, to try to avoid groups and to communicate with others.

The cumulative effect of all of this is that the person concerned will fall prey to things like anxiety and depression. This is one of the first signs of obesity. So, if you find yourself affected by the fact that people call you by the chin, make sure to take corrective action and inform your doctor.

4- Varicose Veins: When the walls of blood vessels weaken, the blood vessels dilate, which is unhealthy and affects the full strength of the body.

Externally, it looks like purple or blue veins, surrounded by red, internal blood cells, which are very painful and affect walking.If you discover that you suffer from varicose veins, it's time to take action effective for weight loss. 5 – Chestburn: The incidence of acid attacks is another spa for obesity, the emergence of excessive amounts of fat exerts pressure on the digestive system, especially when the fat accumulates around the throat.

Because of this pressure, what happens to the food is that it rushes to the esophagus, causing acid reflux, and some burns problems. stomach, gas, bloating and others.

Although this is a good time, if you find yourself experiencing it often, be sure to start reducing your diet, eat light food, avoiding fried foods to take care of the condition .

6. Snoring: Snoring is not a serious health problem, nor is it concerned about health, but the fact that it is noticeable in obese people more than in others.

A sudden increase in weight causes a risk of obstructive sleep apnea due to the increase in mbad around the neck, which makes people tend to snore loudly, which can adversely affect to their sleep. On their mental health.

7. Irregular menstrual cycle: Obesity affects the female bad cycle and its first sign can be observed in the form of irregular periods. Extra layers of fat in the body hinder its hormonal balance, which can cause monthly cycles ahead of schedule or later.

In some cases, the menstrual cycle may last up to 10 days of continuous bleeding, while in other cases, women may stop for two or three months without bleeding at all.

In either case, it is advisable to inform your doctor so that he can help you take corrective action before it is too late.

News: 7 warning signs of obesity, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hbadan Follow us, hoping to be informed of the news with transparency and credibility, 7 signs of obesity, do not forget to follow us on the pages of our website Political, Economic, Technical, Sports, Health News and Miscellaneous Powell News on our website News 7: Signs of Obesity Warning

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