8 things that make you cry without a cause, including vitamin B12 deficiency


We all live in difficult times and we risk crying without reason Sometimes, without feeling sad, there may be hidden reasons for crying, such as lack of sleep, stress, exhaustion, deficiency in vitamin B and others. Without cause, according to the site " heal joy ."

<img alt = "The reasons for crying" src = "https://img.youm7.com/ArticleImgs/2018/7/26/22597- reasons-pleur .jpg" style = "height: 303px; [19659003] Causes of Crying

Deprivation of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep affects your emotional and psychological interaction, and your mind loses the ability to distinguish between

Tension and Stress

If you find yourself in crying for no reason, your body may be looking for a way to evacuate all the tension accumulated in you, as extreme stress leads to exhaustion.

Premenstrual Syndrome

Mood and sadness of the symptoms that appear with premenstrual syndrome with episodes of gout

Menopause and menopause

One of the main reasons for crying without a cause is the mood swings and d & # 39; 39, other symptoms of menopause in postmenopausal women

Vitamin B12

The most important cause of crying without a cause, because it plays a role in maintaining the health of blood cells, is depression, crying, apathy, lightheadedness. irritability and the following symptoms: weakness, exhaustion, weight loss, loss of appetite and constipation

Because mood fluctuates due to hypoglycemia, you can nibble a sugar or a drink to restore your sugar level.



Hypothyroidism causes mood swings, muscle aches, dry hair, skin, depression, and exhaustion.


Women are more likely to be depressed during pregnancy and hormonal changes during pregnancy in the brain and leads to anxiety and depression, as well as postpartum depression and the seasonal affective disorder that occurs between the seasons of the year.

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