8 ways to prevent and prevent infection


Samiha Ashmawy, professor of thoracic diseases at Ain Shams University, said influenza was spreading in winter and that some bad habits could lead to the spread of microbes. By razzaz, when you leave a warm place for a cold place, you must cover your mouth and nose to confirm the vaccination, but provided that the person is in good health while taking the vaccination.

She stressed the need to wash their hands constantly to prevent the transmission of infection, and consult the doctor in case of discomfort, not the pharmacist, explaining that anise is the only way to prevent the spread of infection. one of the best drinks in the chest and that one must avoid cold drinks as it causes a tightening of the airways. So be sure to drink hot drinks. It is necessary to treat the flu immediately to prevent pneumonia and the absence of complications.

Treatment of colds and flu
Treatment of colds and flu

Dr. Wagdy Amin, Director General of the General Department of Thoracic Diseases of the Ministry of Health and Executive Director of the Tuberculosis Program, believes that influenza is one of the most common diseases in winter and can lead to pneumonia, and sometimes to intensive care in some severe cases. Cause a lot of deaths.

He said in a statement to "seventh day" that there are many types of flu viruses such as the flu " A","B"The most common, most important symptoms of the flu, are a temperature rise above 38 degrees, a dry cough and a sore throat, and if the patient is a high risk group advised to give Tamifluwa, and s If he has difficulty breathing, and is approaching, you should immediately consult your doctor to diagnose complications that need to be treated early.

He pointed out that these symptoms are of several types, such as seasonal flu, bird flu and swine flu. We therefore recommend the following tips:

First: stay away from crowded places

Second: the commitment of home patients and their presentation to the specialist doctor for that they take the appropriate treatment.

Do not take antibiotics randomly
Do not take antibiotics randomly

Third: Do not take antibiotics randomly until after consulting your doctor.

Fourth: Follow the infection control methods, the most important of which is washing your hands with soap and water, and when sneezing or coughing, use paper towels.

Drink hot drinks
Drink hot drinks

Fifth: increase consumption of vitamins-rich foods and liquids C.

Stop smoking
Stop smoking

Sixth: quit

Seventh: treat influenza vaccine for high-risk groups, such as children under 5 years and adults over 65 with chronic diseases such as asthma, pulmonary embolism, heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and pregnant women. Safe for pregnant women.

Eighth: the beds of families are exposed to direct sunlight, as well as the exposure of houses to the sun.

Ninth: Give Tamiflu to patients according to the Ministry of Health's treatment protocols when seasonal influenza, and when the doctor is referred to him, because it is highly effective, especially within 48 hours after infection.

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