98% for medicine, 92.9 for engineering and 95.1% for media


Collegial coordination indicators: 98% for medicine, 92.9% for engineering and 95.1% for the media. 92.9% for engineering and 95.1% for media.We publish our news today and start with the most important news, college contact information: 98% for medicine, 92, 9 for engineering and 95.1% for the media.

And scientific research, that the first phase of the coordination of admission to universities will begin after the receipt of the results of the Ministry of Education's 72-hour high school.

The Recruitment Complex for Successful High School Students in 2018 indicates that the number of successful students in the first round this year has increased to 64,973 students compared to last year. This year, as well as an increase in the percentage of those who received 90% or more from 16.81% to 17.62%.

The recognition complex for high school successors revealed expected highs of at least 3 to 7 degrees in the minimum admissions of faculties of medicine and engineering science students, as well as divisions literary.

The minimum admission in medical schools is likely to be 402 degrees 98% or 402.5% to 98.2%.

In dental faculties, the minimum score between 401.5 and 401 should be 97.8%, the indicators also suggesting that the minimum level of admission in pharmacy schools is 396.5 degrees, 96.7%.

As for physiotherapy colleges, the minimum should be 395 degrees by 96.3%.

The total repetition of high school students in the Division of Sports Science indicates that the indicators of the increase in the minimum admission to engineering schools to 381 degrees by 92.9% and the faculties of computers and information will be available to students in the second stage. Between 366 degrees or 355.5 degrees.

Students of the literary division should have a minimum score of 392.5 degrees to 95.7%, as well as an expectation of admission to Cairo at 390 °, 95.1%.

It is noted that the number of recipients of sports motivation, will be divided between the expected proportions of the minimum admission to universities.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Higher Education, Thursday, the registration of the wishes of students this year will be through the electronic coordination site https://tansik.egypt.gov.eg/ application /, which will continue to work 24 hours, the length of the scene. 19659012] Thank you for following us and we promise you to always provide all that is the best .. The transfer of news from all sources of information and to facilitate their reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. Greetings from the Akhbarna newspaper's family site.
Our article, Collegial Coordination Indicators: 98% for Medicine, 92.9% for Engineering and 95.1% for Media. Follow us on our social networking sites to receive regular news.

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