Surveillance cameras monitor the "Malls" and businesses


Surveillance cameras are widely used inside and outside shopping centers, private companies and banks, as a means of insurance and protection, to monitor thieves or other the terrorists, in particular

Multiple systems proposed by companies operating in the field of security systems, for surveillance cameras of different types, including internal, external, mobile, fixed, etc., within the various systems and means of insurance. 19659004] was not limited The role of these companies in the sales process, but also to provide the knowledge and basic information of all products and security systems, and the choice of the best means for customers, and companies provide a team to find the best offers and security solutions.

The companies provide after-sales services, which are the internal and external maintenance of all safety systems and the supply of original spare parts, as well as practical training and internal and field training, as well as the organization of technical seminars Regarding the field. Cameras and surveillance cameras vary depending on the number of cameras used and their types. The offers offered include one of 4 internal and external surveillance cameras with a DVR recorder priced at LE 1574. This system includes High precision monitoring and recording. Between the system and the phones using the Android operating system. There is another display of 4 internal control cameras "HD 1200 line" and DVR and all the installation accessories, and the price of 1285 pounds, and another screen is a kit consisting of 4 HD 1200 line cameras control and recorder DVR, 1500 GB, all installation accessories to 4500 pounds, and many other offers of different brands and price range.

The high demand for surveillance camera systems, Mohammed Abdullah, Marketing Director of High Tech Nour, security systems specialist,, In recent years.

He added to "Egyptian Today" that the company has achieved in recent years "C. The "full of surveillance cameras and the" Parken system "and the doors of the pbadage of individuals, within a number of departments, including the Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation, as well as many businesses and residential complexes (compounds) and tourist facilities. Abdullah said that all companies operating in this field are required to obtain a permit or authorization from the security authorities to carry out this activity and that the license is renewed each year on behalf of the company and its owner.
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