One egg a day limits the risk of heart disease


A Daily Egg Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease News Journal Quoting the Arab Morning We Publish a Daily Egg Limits the Risk of Heart Disease, a Daily Egg Limits the Risk of Heart Disease We Post Our Visitors News News Today by our News newspaper and start with the news, Our new is a useful egg for the healthy body and protects it from many diseases because it contains high proportions of protein, calcium and other important body elements , and examines this article the benefits of eggs in the protection of heart disease.

Nutritional value of eggs

1. Eggs are a rich source of hormones, proteins and minerals.

2 – It also has a high proportion of saturated fats.

3 – contains antimicrobial and microbial properties

4 – contains many important elements such as calcium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and potbadium

5 – it contains many vitamins such as Folic acid.

6. Contains a small amount of calories.

7 – There are many vitamins dissolved in fats, such as vitamin E, vitamin D and vitamin K.

8- Contains high ratios of fatty acids responsible for calcium transfer to the cells.

Effectiveness of Daily Egg Protection for Heart Disease

1. Eggs are an important source of cholesterol, which often causes heart disease The arteries, but it contains a lot of high quality protein and vitamins, according to the British newspaper Mirror.

A recent study conducted at the Center for Health Sciences by a group of the most effective researchers from Peking University confirmed that taking one egg a day can reduce the risk of heart disease.

A recent study suggests that keeping one egg a day reduces the risk of heart disease in the long run.

Study of the Kaduri biobank and its links with research on the benefits of eggs for the protection of the heart against various diseases

1. Researchers have studied the relationship between data presented in the study "Kaduri Biobank" Chinese.

2. Kaduri Biobank Study: A Chinese study involving nearly half a million adults aged 30 to 79 years [19659003] each belonging to ten different geographical regions.

4. The follow-up of participants continued for four consecutive years, the results showed that people who ate one egg a day reduced their risk of heart disease by up to 18%, while the risk of dying from Hemorrhagic stroke 26 percent.

5. One of the researchers in this study notes that current results have a close correlation between regular egg consumption and a lower risk of heart disease.

6. These results are an incentive to encourage adults to take eggs moderately.

7 – According to the British newspaper Mirror, according to an expert in the field of the duties of the members of the University of British Esbad, the results of this study do not necessarily reflect the validity of the study. hypothesis of a link between low risk of heart disease and egg consumption.

8. Also explain that taking eggs is bad or good for the person because this study is not advisable because linking diets to healthy body reference and to diseases that may affect, n? is not treated in this way of simplicity.

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