The Sun Ridiculates Colombia by Shakira .. It's the reaction of the agent of Mohammed Salah


The Sun Mocks Colombia by Shakira C is the reaction of the agent of Mohammed Salah, as part of the policy of our website Al Arab News, which presents the content of the news and nothing else. The reader of the Arabic reader in all parts of the Arab world starts today with the news of "The sun ridicules Colombia by Shakira .. It is the reaction of the agent of the" Mohammed Salah's work ", information transferred and brought accurately and impartially without hiding the truth and without any expression Rai aims to control the directions of the Arab reader, where he died The source from which the news was brought in details and news content, and we have no hand or interference in the details and content of the news and start with the most prominent news today. – Rami Abbas has criticized the Egyptian pharaoh agent Salah, a professional in the ranks of Liverpool, in English, what the newspaper "The Sun" English before the England Match against Colombia.

Salah's agent makes the scene after criticizing the cover of The Su "The three lions will face a nation that will introduce to the world shakira, coffee and other things, we'll say," Come on, Ken.

Abbas published on his Twitter account that the cover of the newspaper on Colombia is a shame, but a document not recommended.

Abbas received many comments from Liverpool fans who supported his point of view, despite earlier hostility between the English team and the press since their investigation into a 1989 incident that killed 96 Liverpool fans.

A Lebanese agent, and agent of the Egyptian pharaoh Salah and responsible for his contracts

The Sun ridicules Colombia b Shakira .. It is the reaction of the labor agent of Mohammed Salah, thank you dear Arabic Arab and we wish you to always see you in good health, and we hope to be good to you, and not to compromise your opinion in the comments above. The first and last place, The Sun ridicules Colombia by Shakira. It is the reaction of the agent of Mohammed Salah. And do not forget to follow us on the pages of our Arab News site, on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Latest political, economic and technical news Sports, news, health, beauty and the world of Eve, as well as the varied and entertaining news that come to you immediately after the first event, The Sun makes fun of Colombia by Shakira, the reaction of the agent of Mohamed Salah

. This reaction of the agent of the work of Mohammed Salah – The Sun ridicules Colombia by Shakira .. This reaction of the agent Muhammad Salah

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