Series "Land of Hypocrisy" a new experience will be added to my art


The artist says here that the series "Land of Hypocrisy", which shared the spotlight with star Mohammed Henedi, is a new experience that will add to the balance of life. art
Sheiha said in a statement Wednesday that "the land of hypocrisy is not the first What combines them with the artist Mohamed Henedi, and they have already played together a broadcast of radio, noting that the experience of the "land of hypocrisy" is different because it offers a comedy experience with a star comedy.The great movie Schweaker, which was introduced in the 1960s and bears the Same name, is considered touching Sal is composed of 30 episodes and taken from the novel, so the comparison between them is difficult, especially since Shweikar is a leading artist in the world of comedy.
Sheiha has stressed that the true evaluation of his role in the series is issued.
Henedi lined that he was not angry because the show was not shown in Egyptian channels, and that he did not get angry at the show , Saying that "the success of the work made us forget everything we had before the show began," adding that the proportion of viewers The series is very satisfying and that's enough, all the more so that she will soon be broadcast via an Egyptian satellite station.

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