DOT Emarat – How to absorb vitamin C


<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "Vitamin C is an ingredient necessary for a variety of functions, including control of damage caused by free radicals, collagen production and stimulation of a healthy immune system C in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including orange, lemon, kiwi , green leafy vegetables and green peppers, and vitamin C is available in the form of dietary supplements.Check with your doctor to determine if you need to increase the absorption of vitamin C for your health

The main way to absorb vitamin C is to take it orally.In nutritional nutrition, vitamin C is absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and the upper part of the body. small intestine and adds that the higher the dose, the less e is absorbed, where the absorption rate reaches 80% 250 mg, and the rate of absorption is only 50 percent to 250 mg to 2 grams. The unwanted vitamin C is excreted by the drug. ;urine.

By Injection
Another way of vitamin C can be absorbed by injection. Injections are better than oral vitamin C when they are taken for therapeutic purposes. The body is better able to absorb large doses of vitamin C through injections into the bloodstream. The injection of high doses of vitamins is controversial, so talk to your doctor before you adopt this other form of treatment.

Vitamin C can be used topically to increase its absorption in the skin, for cosmetic and therapeutic purposes.

Taking with Bioflavonoids
Another way to make sure your body absorbs vitamin C is to be sure to take it with bioflavonoids. According to the new plan of badfeeding, flavonoids are essential for the proper absorption and use of vitamin C.

Some considerations
As with any supplement, the consumption of tablets, powder or forms of vitamin C intravenously can irritate the absorption of vitamin C, which does not contain flavonoids. Vitamins and other minerals This can cause serious side effects. So be sure to consult your doctor before taking any vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C supplements may also interfere with some prescription medications. Access to vitamin C from dietary sources is the safest approach, and should be the main goal of daily vitamin C intake.

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