Forcing a company to pay the salary of a resident for the entire of his verbal contract after his dismissal


The Jeddah court ordered a corporation to pay an employee's wages for the entire term of the contract after it had contracted for a verbal contract for a year, and then fired him four months after the start of the work.

Against a company, requiring that he be extradited to him for the entire term of the contract, after having contracted for a one-year verbal contract, and then fired him after four months, and was dismissed without reason or observation.

The lawsuit is work, and the work cases are heard before a specialized committee of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, at which point the plaintiff replied that he had already submitted to the Ministry of Labor , but he did not accept his request because there was no written contract between him and the company, the judge decided not to accept the payment


When the court interviewed the employee on this speech, he denied his knowledge, or signed it, and that the paper is a photo and not originally, and asked his opinion on the existence of a written contract between her and the employee, with an oral contract.
As a result, after hearing the court of the parties and the recognition by the company of a verbal contract between the employee and the employee, the judge found that the oral contract is a binding contract that no one has the right to invalidate. function () {
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