The occupation forces 4 vehicles and prevents the entry of solidarity activists from the Al Khan Rouge


Israeli occupation forces confiscated Thursday four vehicles, one belonging to the Palestinian WAFA news agency, near the village of Al-Khan Al-Ahmar, threatened with demolition and deportation, and released other vehicles. Eyewitnesses said that the occupation imposed a curfew on the Red Khan and prevented the entry of activists and solidarity journalists in the area, and that the Israeli police had transferred vehicles to the police station. "Benjamin", near the city of Ramallah, From the army, police and border guards, I imposed

Israeli police also issued violations against the Croissant-ambulances Palestinian Red, who were trying to reach the Red Khan to provide medical services to citizens.

For his part, Fatah called his sons And all the people of Nefir and the immediate direction of the Red Khan to defend the land and the people, and the spokesman of the movement Osama Qawasmi that what is a shame on the international community remains silent about these Israeli crimes against children, women and the elderly. Assault Gu

A group of settlers demonstrated at the village of Abu Dis and Hizma, southeast of Jerusalem, overlooking the village of Al Khan Al Ahmar, east of Jerusalem occupied, carrying flags of the occupation, to support Israeli operations.

Witnesses reported that a number of settlers prayed near the main street adjacent to the village, which provoked the feelings of Red Khan citizens and activists against the decision to demolish.

Public information The Israeli occupation army targeted journalists in the city of Al-Khan Al-Ahmar, which pursues the truth-seeking policy and covers crimes of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement by the occupation government against the Palestinian people in the vicinity of Jerusalem and other governorates. Thursday – the brutal attack of the unionist Mohamed al-Lahham, the confiscation of the car of the news agency and information "Wafa" and the release of the media in the Red Khan, testify contempt Israeli for international laws and prove that the continuation of legislation

The ministry reiterated its call for the UN Security Council to implement its resolution 2222, promulgated more than three years ago, to protect journalists and to ensure that perpetrators are not held accountable. , Reporters Without Borders, and other press unions and press organizations to intervene to protect journalists and release prisoners.

The Ministry reiterated that the brutal practices of the Red Khan affected journalists, consuls, solidarity, citizens and officials. Live evidence will be pbaded on Li ethnic cleansing to all places in the world.

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