"Google Translate" another hero of the World Cup in Russia

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Google Translate has become an indispensable way for fans to connect with locals in bars, restaurants and hotels.

Brazilian cheerleader Gustavo said: It is very difficult to understand the Slavic alphabet in Russian. So we use Google all the time … When Google uses the translation, it becomes easier. "

Some foreign fans write in their own language what they mean in Russian and show it to the locals . Other Languages ​​

It's not uncommon to be wrong: Colombian cheerleader Juan David Londo told Samara that one of his friends wanted to tell a girl in a store that Russian women were very beautiful

"Older women here are very beautiful."


Google Translate has become an indispensable means for fans to connect with local people in bars, restaurants and hotels.

Brazilian cheerleader Gustavo said:" Who are the Google fans? It is very difficult to understand the Slavic alphabet in Russian, so we use Google all the time … When Google uses the translation, it becomes easier.

Some foreign fans write in their own language what they mean in Russian.Others use the voice property of the application, which allows them to speak directly to other owners of

It is not surprising that sometimes the Colombian cheerleader Juan David Londo in Samara says that one of his friends wanted to tell a girl in the shop that Russian women are very beautiful.

But what appeared in the translation is that "the elderly women here are very beautiful."

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