Earth at the end of the sun .. Today


The Earth now reaches, on Friday, July 6, the farthest point of the "apogee" in its orbit around the Sun, (16:47 GMT).

According to the Jeddah Astronomical Society, ironically, the Earth is at the end of the sun in the middle of summer in the northern hemisphere, which tells us that the distance from the sun is nil. Is not the cause of the four seasons.

The Assembly noted that the Earth is moving in an almost circular orbit, so the distance between the Earth and the Sun does not change much.The Earth is now about 5 million kilometers from the Sun in six months , The sun is about 150 million kilometers.

This year, the Earth will be at the farthest point of the sun at 152,095,566 kilometers, compared to last year when the Earth was in the Oge on July 4, a little closer to 152,092 .505 km.

The reason for the four seasons of the earth's axis is 23.4 degrees, we are now living in the summer because the earth is in a position of its orbit where the northern part tends to get closer to the sun while the southern half away from the sun

The Jeddah Astronomical Society pointed out that if the distance between the earth and the sun is not the cause of the seasons, it affects the duration of its duration: when the Earth is away from the sun "as it is now" The summer is the longest season in the northern half of the Earth, the longest winter seasons in the southern half.

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