Beware .. Sit 6 hours a day can lead to your death


Sheriff Solomon

A scientific study warned of the risk of long-term survival in a sitting position, according to a study by scientists from the American Society of Cancer. 19659004]

According to the Arab website, researchers have shown that the survival of a person sitting at least 6 hours a day increases the risk of death by 19% compared to those who spend less than 3 hours in a position seated. The study confirms that prolonged sitting can cause a range of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Renal and Pulmonary Diseases Liver, Digestive System, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's, and Neurological Disorders

A study has shown that there is a relationship between prolonged sitting and the tendency to commit suicide. after data on 128,000 healthy men and women collected for 21 years, 49,000 of whom died

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