Warnings of the spread of the "West Nile" virus in France


"Sylvie Lucolina", a virus scientist at the Institute, warned
National French Animal Research, "Spread of the virus," West Nile, "
That is transmitted by mosquitoes, like the "dengue" virus
And "Zika", whose symptoms are similar to flu symptoms of an increase in degrees
Heat and feeling tired. West Nile virus affects the nervous system

The French scientist fears the spread of the virus, the Ministry of Health
General in France to tighten controls especially between July and the end
October up to the spread rate of the virus at the epidemic rate, and by monitoring
The spread of mosquitoes that helps transmit the virus

It should be noted that in 2010, Europe experienced a pandemic of the "West" virus.
Nile "and recorded infection rates about 987 cases, 42 cases died
Affected by the virus, and also saw Spain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania,
Turkey increased the incidence of the virus last year, while the infection was about 5,674 people
286 of which died

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