ARDroid: HMD Global announced the end of May for the Nokia Go Android 2.1 phone and Nokia 3.1 and Nokia 5.1 phones belonging to the Android One category.
A month later The Nokia 3.1 is the Middle East option between Nokia 2.1 and Nokia 5.1 in the Arab region of Jordan. The phone is now available in the United Arab Emirates via Axiom Telecom.
Axiom Telecom shows that Nokia 3.1 is available for AED 519, available in white, black and blue. This is a 16GB price, and the 32GB version is not available on the site.
We recall the specifications of the Nokia 3.1 phone, which offers an 18: 9 screen and a resolution of 720 × 1440 pixels. The phone is equipped with a MediaTek MT6750 with eight 1.5 GHz cores, an internal aluminum chbadis and a plastic back shell.
The phone is available in two versions, including 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage space. With a 3GB RAM and 32GB of internal storage, both can increase the space via microSD.
13 megapixel front camera with 8 megapixels and a battery of 890 megabytes / hour.
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