
Egyptian Minister of Civil Aviation, engineer Younis El Masry, made an inspection visit on Tuesday to Egypt Air for complementary industries and Egypt Air Cargo, accompanied by pilot Ahmed Adel , chairman of EgyptAir Holding Company, the Minister of Aviation inspected the factory of plastic industries and the factory of wood industries in addition to the factory of & Holding Holding Holding,, en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en uniforms and leather followed by a tour of inspection of the company presses, as part of the follow-up work of the agencies and enterprises of Luz Civil Aviation

The Minister of the & ministre [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[Aviationlistenedtoadetailedexplanationoftheactivitiesandservicesoftheaviationindustryandreviewedthedevelopmentplansandmodernizationofthecompany'sproductionlinesandtheplasticsindustryexpansionAndmaintenanceofloadingandmanufacturingequipmentforemployeesofcompaniesaffiliatedwiththeministryandthelocalmarket

The engineer Mansour added that the company participates in many exhibitions of furniture, house, office, hotel, leather and school supplies,

During the visit, the Minister confirmed that the company supplied the products to the local markets for the employees of the subsidiaries and supplied its products to several places in Egypt at competitive and high quality prices. Aviation and the need for training courses for workers in the latest technological fields in the fields of complementary industries, and urged the Egyptian to seek to provide the best services and products to local and international airlines with the best international varieties. The pilot was received by the pilot on behalf of Jawhar, the president of the company, who explained the plan to modernize the air cargo fleet and administrative sections, which includes all the authorities responsible for monitoring shipments incoming and outgoing. Younis visited the company 's cargo complex at Cairo International Airport, where he visited the village' s commodity sections, including the department of export and import, as well as customer service and internal and external markets. (19659008) At the end of the tour, the Minister of Aviation stressed the need to complete the activation of the electronic freight program, which would increase the effectiveness of the program. Cairo airport in the treatment of all cargoes. The Minister of Aviation praised the level of services offered by the freight complex and emphasized the continued development of the company's services to meet all the challenges and obstacles. He added that the standards of safety and security adopted at the world level improve the level of

Minister of Aviation visits the Minister of Aviation

Flight of the Minister of Aviation

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