The natural bile rate of newborns and the severity of their increase


News: The natural yellow percentage of newborns and the severity of their size, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site, a website of 39; information was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive Arabic and international content from many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political arena, technical and sports and d & rsquo; Other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the natural proportion of yellow to my speech (19659002) Tuesday, July 10, 2018 22:05 News News The wounds of newborns with rates high natural bile is a serious threat to their life, and the risk of high birth rate, The disease occurs as a result of the rupture of red blood cells carrying oxygen, and begins to rise on the second day of u third or third day of the child's life, may take a week or more.

Symptoms of high incidence of bile in newborns:
– Symptoms begin from the baby's head, start to yellow the head and include the whites of the eye and the face and nose and hands.

– The baby's stool color is yellow or green
– Dark urine color
– In the case of a very high yellowing rate, the yellowing of the baby abdomen lasts three weeks.

Causes of Disease:
– Early Birth
– Shortage of Breastfeeding.
– HR incompatibility with the mother.

– The appearance of punches or bruises of the child at birth, has led to the breakdown of red blood cells, which leads to a high level of bilirubin.

– Undernourished children are more likely to have yellow and need treatment when the bilirubin level reaches 14 to 16 mg / dL.

Neonatal Bile Rate:
– Normal bile rate in neonates ranged from 12: 15 mg / dl in each deciliter of blood and began to gradually decline naturally.If bile increased to 16 mg / day dL, the child needs treatment.

– If bilirubin increases up to 12 (24 hours) or 15 (48 hours) or 18 (72 hours) mg / dL, the baby is placed under a white light.

– Severity is high and brain cells can be damaged if bilirubin increases to 20 mg / dL or more, in which case immediate medical intervention is required.

Yellow in neonates, their proportions and types:
Bile rates are different in neonates, as well as the type of both types:

– Physiological Yellow:
Yellow physiological newborn is a condition and not a disease, (19659003) – Control of skin color:
This is done by a device that is placed vertically above the child's forehead, and the device can measure the proportion of bile in the blood until it reaches 20 mg / 100 Ml, and if this rate is exceeded, it gives no reading to the device.

– Measurement of the proportion of bile in the blood:
In rare cases, if the percentage of yellow, it is necessary to take a blood sample and if the child must be followed and placed under the auspices of the specialist doctor.

– Unhealthy yellowing:
The risk is that if the bilirubin level in the blood rises to about 25 mg / dL, serious diseases such as brain damage, deafness and growth problems may occur.

Pediatricians and specialists believe that yellowing of a child is an indicator of many disorders such as blood contamination, liver disease and red blood cell abnormalities.

Serious complications of bile:
Acute brain inflammation: Due to elevated bilirubin in the blood leading to inactivity and difficulty in awakening, the undernutrition and anemia, curvature of the neck and back, fever.

Yellow nuclear: often affects male children.

– a rare condition that occurs at high altitude to the proportion of bile, and leads to serious complications, including "cerebral palsy paralysis, hearing loss."

– This condition can be treated by placing the child under ultraviolet light with a green and blue spectrum.

– injected IVG protein, which reduces the level of antibodies in the blood, which leads to reduce the proportion of bile. We inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hbadan Follow us, hoping to be informed news with transparency and credibility, the proportion of natural yellow to newborns and the seriousness of their size, do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages of our site All new political news, economic, technical, sports, health news, and various news articles are on our website News: Normal Bile Rate and Serious Newborns.

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