Libya: Hafter restores oil deposits to the government of national reconciliation


Al-Siraj calls for the formation of an international committee to review the expenditures of the central state

The commander of the Libyan national army, Marshal Khalifa Hafer, suddenly resumed control of the management of the oil ports of the Red Crescent, in the capital Tripoli. The decision was taken directly from Haftar and not from the Army Information Bureau, but Major General Naji al-Mughrabi, a member of the Lebanese army, the commander of the oil facilities in the central and eastern region of the army announced in a letter to the heads of the oil companies of the government of Al-Sarraj that "on the orders of Marshal Hafter, the resumption of exports of the ports of these companies is canceled" . [19659003] Nagy announced in his letter that instructions were being given to the Agency's oil badet protection units, to resume exports.

The oil institution of the government of Al-Sarraj announced the lifting of force majeure status in the ports of Ras Lanuf, Sidra, Zwaitina and Al-Harika.

According to the statement, Mustapha Sinallah, president of the National Oil Corporation and its members, hailed the decision of the Army General Command "to place the nation's interest first and foremost" , thank you also And the international community for its efforts to resolve this crisis.

In response to his call for "more transparency and equitable distribution of oil imports", he said: "We urgently need a National Dialogue Session on the fair distribution of oil revenues in Libya, because this issue is one of the main factors of the crisis, and the only solution to address is the commitment to transparency. "He called again all the responsible authorities, in plus the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, to publish budgets and public expenditures in detail so that all Libyans can control each dinar spent.

The case of Force Majeure is a temporary suspension of work.

Oil manufacturing had announced the suspension of oil production and export operations in eastern Libya, the second of this month, after the army 's control over the Crescent Petroleum region, and AT lanha put the oil ports under the supervision of the parallel government, led by Abdullah al-Thani in the east of the country. According to the National Foundation, oil production has dropped 1.3 million barrels a day and losses of about $ 1 billion.

Haftar's decision angered the Sarraj government. And supervision by the government of Al-Seraj. Hafer justified its decision yesterday, after the army foiled an attack by armed militias led by Ibrahim al-Jidran, former commander of the guard of the oil installations, on the harbors of Ras Lanouf and Sidra, Destined to "cut the route to terrorists funded by the central bank in Tripoli", which was rejected by the central bank last week, stressing that "the disbursement of any financial allocation is subject to strict control."

Libyan Government Reconciliation, UN Security Council, As part of an international commission to investigate the expenses of the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli and White. Sources close to Haftar said the goal of oil production was to dismiss the governor of the central bank, the big friend, accused by Hafter of financially supporting his opponents.

A Libyan port official from Harika said that a tanker was preventing the eastern authorities from charging the port. Two weeks ago, yesterday, came into the port to start charging a million barrels of crude oil. Faraj Said, guard of East oil facilities and chairman of the National Oil Corporation has reopened ports, but told Reuters that the head of Lanouf and Sidra, affected by frequent fighting, must be maintained, highlighting that the ports of Zuiteina and Alhreika are open. The Sarraj government has called on the UN Security Council to form an international committee to look into spending related to the increase in oil revenues, which he described as recent illegal and sudden concession of Red Crescent oil. And what followed The impact of stopping oil export, pointing out that his government was preparing to launch a package of measures for financial and economic reforms, and implement programs to resolve the strangulations, that the country has gone through for years.

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