Psychological pressure and blindness. The study confirms the 3300-year-old information


A study conducted at the Institute of Medical Psychology of the University of Magdeburg in Germany, under the supervision of Professor Bernhard Sabell, showed a close relationship between constant stress and vision loss during time. The results of this study have been published in the journal EPMA Journal

The recent study is based on several previous studies, through which researchers can confirm the relationship between stress and loss of sight, showing that stress is not important. Is not just a result or a risk factor. But is a major cause of progressive vision loss due to certain eye diseases such as glaucoma, optic neuropathy, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and diabetic retinopathy.

Continuous stress and high levels of cortisol harm eye health And the brain causing an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system and blood vessels, because tension increases cortisol levels in the body and therefore affects these high levels of the eye and brain in the long run.

Psychotherapy by the use of relaxation and relaxation techniques, such as self-study, psychotherapy or meditation, not only as a treatment supplement for vision loss but also as a preventive measure.

In addition, clinicians should be optimistic. And to provide their patients with food Professor Sabel said: "Stress reduction should be a complementary goal of treatment, as it could offer new opportunities to improve vision in diseases such as glaucoma or lesions of the optic nerve. "

In a Sanskrit book titled "SUSRUTA SAMHITA" dated 1300 BC AD, an Indian surgeon called Socerotta, who practiced traditional Indian ancient medicine, listed 18 different causes of vision loss, including: psychological and emotional stress, and mistaken sleep patterns such as sleep during the day and at night, continuous tears, excessive anger, etc.

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