Amnesty International: Abu Dhabi commits war crimes in secret prisons in Yemen


in a shocking report entitled "God only knows where he is alive" ..
** The organization of human rights reveals new details about enforced disappearances and torture
** Call on the authorities of Yemen and the UAE to put an end to these violations and provide immediate responses
** Abu Dhabi systematically leads flagrant and no-fault violations
** Dozens of people forcibly disappeared were tortured and some died in custody
** The Families of Prisoners in Secret Prisons Experience an Endless Nightmare
** Requests from families of missing persons are confronted with ignorance or intimidation attempts
** Some were released for two years in detention without charge
** Sexual abuse, beatings and electrocution The main means of torture
** Amnesty's investigation includes 51 cases, 19 of which are still missing
** Abu Dhabi set up a parallel security apparatus outside the law committing gross violations
** The sister of a detainee: God alone knows whether he is alive or not
** Former detainee: I saw the body of an inmate who was repeatedly tortured and things I do not want to see
** Another detainee: UAE soldiers humiliated my dignity
** A man was arrested at his home and a corpse was thrown a few hours later near his family's residence
UAE forces still ignore Yemeni prosecution release orders

Yesterday, Amnesty International revealed in a report the involvement of the UAE in the enforced disappearances of many Yemenis after their arrest and subjected to torture brutal by militias and militias.

In its report "God knows only so alive," Amnesty International said that the United Arab Emirates has formed militias in southern Yemen under torture. "These militias are only loyal to the security services of the UAE and go beyond the instructions of the Yemeni government," said Amnesty International, adding that "these militias have been trained, trained and financed by the United Arab Emirates. . "

War Crimes
The Report documented flagrant and systematic abuses without accountability, including enforced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment amounting to war crimes .
The report describes the enforced disappearance of dozens of men after their arbitrary detention and detention by United Arab Emirates and Yemen forces operating outside the control of their government, many of whom were tortured and feared that some would have died in prison.

"The families of these detainees experience an endless nightmare following the forced disappearance of their families by UAE-backed militias in Yemen, and the families' demands to know the fate of those who have forcibly disappeared from their children. and whether they are alive or not.

Tirana Hbadan added: "Dozens of detainees have been released in recent weeks, including a small group of people who were forcibly displaced after long detention without In some cases this has reached the point of stressing the need to hold perpetrators accountable and to ensure that victims have access to remedies. "

Mothers Who Was Forcibly Hidden During a Vigil

Documenting Crimes
said in a statement: that during a survey conducted between March 20, 16 and May 2018 in the southern governorates of Aden, Lahj, Abyan, Shabwa and Hadramout, document the widespread use of the torture in facilities and prisons run by UAE forces in Yemen, using various means, including beatings and electric shocks, as well as badual abuse

. International Human Rights Organization is investigating the cases of 51 male detainees, 19 of whom are still missing, and interviewed 75 people, including former detainees, relatives of missing persons, activists and detainees. Government representatives

International that "UAE United States, operating in mysterious conditions in southern Yemen, seem to have established a parallel security apparatus outside the law, where flagrant violations continue unchecked. "In the end, these violations will have to be examined. The Yemeni armed struggle will have to take urgent measures to put an end to these practices and provide answers to Yemeni families who hide their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers."

Only God Knows
Families of International Detainees for their quest and frenzied to get information. Missing mothers and their wives have been organizing protests for the past two years and, in this context, are reluctant to turn to ministries, prosecutors, security services, prisons, coalition bases and various complaints bodies.

44, arrested in Aden at the end of 2016, told Amnesty International: "We do not know where he is, and God only knows whether he is alive or not." The father died last month, " "All we want is to know the fate of my brother … we do not want to hear anything else than to hear his voice and know his place .. S & # 39; he has committed a wrong order, are there no courts to judge him?

Other families said they were continuing with individuals who had told him about the deaths of relatives in detention, which was denied by Yemeni-backed Yemeni-backed forces leaders. it was questioned about it

. The detainees, who forcibly disappeared after his arrest in September 2016, are widely known to have died on pilgrimage G: "Let them badure us that my brother is alive and let them see us, that's all. that we want, but no one confirms or denies it. "My mother dies a hundred times a day, and I know that feeling. The Amnesty International report documents the widespread use of torture and other ill-treatment in Yemeni and UAE detention centers.

Former detainees and family members of other inmates recounted the abuse they suffered including beatings, the use of electrocution and badual violence. One of them said he saw the body of one of his fellow detainees carried in a body bag after being tortured repeatedly.

One of the people detained in the wadah hall I can not even see the sunlight at this place. "They were giving me all sorts of accusations, then they hit me, and once they decided to disturb my way at night, and they told me that they were m & # 039; 39, had mixed up with someone else, and that they were only names, especially after all "

One of the former inmates said that the UAE soldiers at the base of the coalition in Aden badaulted his dignity until he suffered a hemorrhage. He said that he was being held in a hole and the head Just above the ground, he also said, "We heard about torture and say that such things can never happen before we have known the situation."

Amnesty International has also documented the case of 39, a man arrested at his home by the Shabanian elite issued by the UAE Later in the vicinity of his family's house, later in critical condition, with He was evidently tortured, and he died soon after being transported to the hospital.

Justice Is Far Away
Is still far from being achieved after a previously discovered network of secret prisons in southern Yemen. "It seems that the United Arab Emirates, operating under mysterious conditions in southern Yemen, has created an outlawed parallel security structure that allows for the perpetration of flagrant and egregious violations," said Tirana Hbadan. "Lack of accountability makes it harder for families to challenge the legality of their families' detention. Even after Yemeni prosecutions tried to impose control over some prisons, UAE forces ignored or delayed their release. Many times."

Targeting opposition under the pretext of combating terrorism
The United Arab Emirates is a key member of the Saudi-led coalition that has been involved in the armed conflict in Yemen since March 2015.

The UAE is ostensibly targeting security forces and security forces. elite to fight terrorism, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the armed group calling itself "Islamic State".

Critics say many arrests are based on baseless suspicion and are based on settlement accounts and personal reprisals.

Critics of the coalition were the practices of the security forces backed UAE are among the victims of these arrests, in addition to prominent community members, activists, journalists, supporters and members of the 'Reform Party' Which is a branch of the "Muslim Brotherhood" in Yemen. Relatives of al-Qaida and Islamic State elements were also targeted, as were individuals who helped coalition forces fight the Houthis, but who are now considered a threat.

Witnesses described the manner in which detainees were taken from their workplace or from the street, sometimes beaten for being unaware, and others were arrested in horrific raids carried out late at night by groups of security forces masked and heavily armed. "The mask."
The authorities also intimidated and even ill-treated detainees' relatives and disappeared after organizing demonstrations in Aden and Mukalla over the past two years.

The investigation is mandatory
The UAE systematically denied any involvement in illegal detention practices in Yemen, despite all the evidence to the contrary, while the Yemeni government told members of a UN team that he had no control over the security forces. The UAE supports them.
"These violations should be considered war crimes because they are committed in the context of the armed conflict in Yemen," Tirana Hbadan said. "Yemeni and UAE authorities should take steps to put an immediate end to these violations and provide information" The anti-terrorist partners of the United Arab Emirates, in particular the United States, should also oppose alleged torture practices " , she said, including through the investigation of the US elements of abuse related to detention in Yemen and the refusal to use information that may have been extracted under torture and other ill-treatment. "

June 20, Associated Press reported victims and witnesses UAE officials involved in torture and badual abuse of hundreds of Yemeni detainees in prison Emirates has described the report as shocking: "US authorities continue to deny these credible accusations."

Secret Prisons .. UAE War Crimes in Yemen

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