Some people develop numbness in one or both hands, but the reason is unknown: numbness can persist for a while, which some people find confusing or sometimes scary.
Numbness is a loss of sensation in the hands or fingers. In the hands, as a feeling of acupuncture or pins, with a burning sensation and heaviness or weakness in the arms, hands and fingers
The numbness of the hands can cause a problem of health and occur along a nerve. Tinnitus hands
The hands may be numb for the following reasons:
Irritation or compression of a nerve or a branch of one of the nerves of the arm or wrist.
• Type II Diabetes
• Asthma is a condition caused by the accumulation of starchy proteins in the body, kidney and spleen. For the bone and the digestive system
Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs as a result of a compressed nerve in the wrist tunnel.
Julien Bare's syndrome is a rare disorder in which the immune system attacks the peripheral nerves, accompanied by weakness and numbness of the limbs.
Lyme disease is caused by four types of bacteria. Joints, heart and nervous system.
Multiple sclerosis of the nerves.
• Peripheral Neuropathy
• Gugrin syndrome is a type of immune system disorder, along with other immune system disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
• Stroke
• Immunodeficiency Virus or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Vascular inflammation.
You may also hurt your hands numbness for other reasons, including:
• Vitamin B12 deficiency.
• Injury to the brachial plexus.
• nodal calcification.
• Reno's disease.
Side effects and complications of chemotherapy drugs.
• Injury to the spinal cord.
• Syphilis.
• Obstruction of the zendicular nerve.
• Excessive consumption of alcohol.
Diagnosis and treatment of numbness of the hands
Some cases of numbness of the hands may be accidental and do not require fear or anxiety, but should be examined by a doctor in the following cases:
• Continued numbness of the hands.
• If numbness starts suddenly, accompanied by a feeling of weakness, paralysis, mental confusion, difficulty speaking, dizziness or severe headache.
• If numbness started or worsened progressively, it was continuous.
• In case of spread of numbness to other parts of the body.
• In case of effect of numbness on both sides of the body at the same time.
• If numbness is agitated or affects only part of the hand like one of the fingers.
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