The occupation is a new door at the entrance of the Red Khan in East Jerusalem


Israeli occupation forces erected a new iron gate at the entrance of Al-Khan Al-Ahmar villages in East Jerusalem on Sunday morning. In a statement released today, Palestinian Minister of Education and Higher Education, Sabri Sidem, said the ministry had completed all preparations for the opening of the the school year, in exceptional cases.

Sadeem pointed out that the launch of the school year in an early and exceptional way is a clear approach of the ministry in support of this gathering and its only schools and other schools of challenge and firmness "and in our moral and national responsibility., A victory for Lah Students have the right to receive quality education in a safe and stable environment, a non-derogable right, guaranteed by all international charters and laws."

With the launch of the academic year at the Red Khan, 174 students go to their school, while the ministry has developed a new line to become the school until the tenth year, in addition to the commitment of the Ministry to transfer the students of the eleventh and twelfth grade to Jericho,

"Since the first day of the recent crisis of the Red Khan, we initiated the opening of & dquo; A camp of 39 was called Baqoun, completed the preparations for the opening of a musical and artistic camp, but the occupation procedures prevented its opening. Campaign "Protect our school" through a press conference attended to representatives of UNESCO, UNICEF and representatives of countries supporting the education sector, as well as meetings with regional dignitaries to discuss ways to strengthen their strength and support the education sector, stressing that there will be a special support program. While the world's children usually consider summer as a period of rest and recuperation, Al-Khan students return to school in the hope to protect their school against the demolition, as well as the director and teachers who deserve the title of knight Offer "9659006] Al-Khubar (The occupation is a new door to the entrance of the Red Khan to l & # 39; East of Jerusalem.) Facebook-jssdk # if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (& quot; script & # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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