Al-Fajr Gate: The first day of coordination of high school .. A sharp turn on the laboratories of Ain Shams University .. And parents: more content


On the door of Ain Shams University, parents lined up accompanied by their high school kids, taking away their records with the completion certificate of this difficult school stage of the hot sun, Mahrulin ask the security staff for the locations of the coordination laboratories inside At 9:00 am, the coordination laboratories opened their doors to high school students, prompting many parents to use this method, the safest way to do it. electronic recording at home or in cyberspace, estimating that The morning period is less However, the shock was due to the high demand in the laboratories of the Faculty of Arts, Computers and Information, where all the The world was divided between parents who wondered what would be the future of their children and those who were looking for their role. In the factory entrance and the battle of the order of desires, and others gathered in front of papers stuck to the walls, including the coordination of colleges during the course of the year. last year, in which students await the fate of this year

All In order to record his wishes in a secure manner in the presence of officials who follow his requests, especially after receiving a hard lesson from his experience in recording the wishes of his daughter last year in one of the cyberpads: "The man enters his trade and is equal to 92%

While the majority is busy looking for plants and to record desires, Hind's family was taken between the administrative buildings of the university after cutting hours .Long in the immersion journey Ask about the possibility of allowing provincial students to join the Al-Alsun College, which is limited e at Ain Shams University and Menia: "But our students unfortunately did not refuse them."

With the opportunity to enter the university as a new experience for high school students, they spread after the registration of wishes to exploit the timing of the period with the presence of students of the largest payments of colleges and alumni. And its benefits, while some parents went to learn about the process of alleviation and transfer methods between colleges after the appearance of the result.

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