Arab News – Who has the best badets? Mobile HTC U12 + Vivo Z1i ?, Initially, we must pay attention to the great respect of our visitors, where the Arab citizen seeks first and last to know the truth, and we must also learn "Who has the best benefits. HTC U12 + Vivo Z1i? ", Which has become the goal of basic respect for the spirit of the Arab world first, who seeks to know the credibility of the information that & # 39; 39, it travels, For our part, and our concern to convey the truth to the Arab continent, we present today the most important news "Who has the best advantages .. Mobile HTC U12 + Vivo Z1i?"
(Arabic News _ your way to know the truth), was uploaded on Tuesday, July 17, 2018 3:15 AM – Revealed, "Vivo" Chinese The new Z1i phone comes with updated features, and it is in competition with a number of other smartphones on the market such as HTC U12 .
Operating System
Operating System
Operating System
Operating System
Operating System
System of Operation
Screen resolution
Screen resolution
Screen resolution
1080P x 2280 pixels
2880 × 1440 Mega pixel camera photo
The Processor
The Processor
The Processor
The Processor
The Snapdragon 845
The Ramat
The 4 Gigabytes
6 GB [19659003] Internal Memory
128 GB
128 GB
Which has the best advantages .. Mobile HTC U12 + Mfv Z1i ?, Please we will you have always conveyed this news in a transparent way, we always seek to clarify and discover the truth and nothing else, and do not confuse your in the comments above, since your opinions always concern us first and last. Mobile HTC U12 + Mfio Z1i? ", And do not forget also follow us on the social networking pages of our site, the Arab News site, which are our pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus sites, and admire it The latest news, political, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty, and the world of Eve, as well as the various news and entertainment to join you immediately after the first occurrence, which has the best advantages .. Best HTC U12 Mobile + Mother Vivo Z1i? – Which has the best advantages .. Mobile HTC U12 + Um Vivo Z1i?
Source: Seventh Day
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