Fadel Shaker … Does Discrimination Have the Rule of Innocence?


Five years, the artist Fadel Shaker is tried in absentia. And sometimes be dismissed charges related to the fundamental issue, such as the formation of a faction or an armed gang, and the threat of state security and confrontation of the state. Lebanese army, and the abuse of the state of "sister" Last list.

Fadl Shaker was charged with forming an armed gang and confronting the Lebanese government and participating in the Battle of the Ibra region in Sidon, southern Lebanon, and facing the Lebanese army. On the other hand, the Court ruled that the verdict, even in absentia, was "good" in Fadel Shaker's case, but the sentence, 10 months after its publication, faces a decision rendered on July 12 by the South Lebanon court, Shaker in the same charge, and turn it into a single judge for the urgency or the final decision.

Two convictions were thus pronounced: the first is to imprison Shaker and the second to prevent his trial, which may indicate a divergence in fatal cases concerning the safety of persons, the conduct of trials and the incompetence of a court in another court, and to prevent the trial.

A judicial source in an interview with the "New Arab" confirms that what happened with Fadel Shaker is considered good up to here, and that the answer is subject to "discrimination", which which will be required by Fadel Shaker's lawyers later. And his sister, the civil court, to form an armed military organization, while the former condemned him and his second innocence, or in other words prevented him from judging, which is enough to review the record of Fadel Shaker and neutralize it.

Shakir said last September that he was waiting to be acquitted after the military court's decision because, he said, he trusted the Lebanese judiciary, adding that membership in an armed organization was due to the appearance of his armed companions at the funeral. He added that the weapon was under license from the Department of National Defense and that his team was equipped with "convoy protection" cards that he gave to the state to ensure his personal safety.

Fadel Shaker, in a crossword on the ban on the trial that he recently received, recalled that he had asked his so-called "political references" Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri to intervene for a fair trial or a political settlement. Nor from his office. Confrontation with the Media
In addition to the political fervor that attracts the Fadl Shaker record, the artist faces a media battle by the Lebanese media, a campaign that prompted some to issue statements condemning the law. announcement of his return to the art. "Al-Adil Group" produced the series and the song, which sought to sing Fadel Shaker for the badge, to withdraw from the show and apologize to the Lebanese who do not want to return to sing before Trial , and the responsibility for his participation in the events of "Ibra", the prosecution who acquitted them of s But the military court did not help and demanded that the Lebanese activists stop the song immediately after the 39, issuing and withdrawing traffic, and recalled the positions of Fadel Shaker against certain political symbols in Lebanon and republished the videos that attack them.

Singing Again
Besides the noise of the courts, Fadel Shaker is currently working on a new set of songs to be released successively, knowing that a group of production companies "Gulf" communicates with him constantly. , in addition to a number of composers The Egyptians in particular, as well as some of his musicians friends, Shaker supporters in his return to actually singing.

The information confirms that the songs of the artist Fadel Shaker will be broadcast on the tees and web sites, while an Egyptian company will propose the production or distribution of the album and intermediaries will intervene between Fadel Shaker and Rotana to distribute the new album. With the Saudi company in the current period, based on the problems that he had between him and Rotana before the end of his contract in 2011 and announce his retirement to sing.

However, the attempt to sing Fadel Shaker is incomplete according to Shaker, because he does not enjoy the required personal freedom and his movements are recorded, while his return to singing is the only hope for him to close the page of trial,, Which can delay his return to freedom, before singing.

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