Tonight .. The moon near the star The smoked fish in the phenomenon of seeing with the naked eye


The sky of the Arab world testifies tonight of the appearance of the first moon in quadrature next to the insatiable fish star, one of the brightest stars of the sky dome, in the phenomenon of see to the naked eye .

The Astrological Society of Jeddah revealed in its report that the star of the fish is really two stars that revolve around one another, but we appear as a star because of the distance that separates us from them. Visually brighter about 1900 times than the sun, if we put the sun on the single fish site at a distance of 262 light-years, the sun will only show 1 / 1,900 non-married fish plants on this distance . The first quadrature period, where half of the moon and half of the moon are visible, is the darkest time to observe the moon's surface by a binocular telescope or a small telescope, as the mountains and craters are very clear. Due to the overlap of light and shadows, a three-dimensional perspective is given .

"The moon will reach the moment of first squaring at 19:52 (GMT), so it will have cut a quarter of the distance into its Earth orbit ."

Over the next few days, the moon and the sun will become more visible in the sky every night, as the moon approaches the full moon phase, which will coincide this month with a total eclipse of the moon.

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