Criticized Macron after arresting a security assistant for interrogation after defeating him … Masrawy


Macron's criticism after the arrest of a security badistant for interrogation after beating protesters


Friday, July 20, 2018


French President Emmanuel Macaron fired Friday a security officer arrested after appearing in a video recording beating a protester in Paris on May 1, trying to put an end to the scandal on more heinous of his reputation. The Elysee Palace said that Alexander Pinala would be deported after "new elements" appeared in the case, particularly because he was suspected of illegally surrendering security cameras in order to exculpate themselves

. Suspected, they handed the photos to Pinala, who was accused by the Paris prosecutor of being accused of violent labor and Astag.

McCron and his government are bitterly criticized for this case: opposition MPs also said that Interior Minister Gerard Coulomb was at stake if he was discovered to conceal l & # 39; incident.

A knowledgeable source The investigation revealed Friday that Macaron's office director Patrick Strzoda had been questioned on Thursday.

The right-wing Republican opposition leader, Christian Jacob, commented that the incident had offended the image of the state "in the heart". A video clip with a smartphone showing Pinala grayed A police helmet and a protester were beaten during a demonstration on May 1. A new recording released late Thursday shows Benalla, who has never been a policeman, posing a young woman on the floor.

It is not known who informed Pinal of the incident but was suspended for two weeks in May for "

However, the prosecution was not informed of the incident.

In addition to the initial investigation by the prosecution, the police decided to conduct an administrative investigation, While the National Assembly also decided to open an investigation

– "Political Crisis" –

This issue

The controversy was exacerbated by what the newspaper Le Monde revealed on Friday that despite the suspension of Pinala's posts,

PfM News has reported that Penala returned to his security duties this week and was in the bus that took the French football team that won the World Cup last week on the Champs- During the Victory March [19659005] Newspapers attacked the president on Friday for refusing to deal with arg (19659005) The right-wing daily Le Figaro, which usually praises the president, writes that Macaron "is facing a political crisis today" for his refusal to handle a disciplinary problem.

A few days after the first demonstrations in May, when there were clashes between anarchists and the police, Macron wrote that he "would identify who would be held responsible for their actions." [19659005] Interior Minister Coulomb confirmed to Parliament that Pinala "Intervention Law" in the meeting of student demonstrators left on Mowtar Street. [19659] The former minister of the government of Francois Hollande Arnault Montparne, said that Pinala had been removed from office a week later because of "serious professional negligence."

Le Monde said Thursday: "He caused an accident while he was working as driver and tried to escape the scene. "

The scandal comes as Macron's popularity is at its lowest level, predicting badysts' expectations.Conducted on Wednesday and Thursday, Macron's popularity at the lowest level since he's taken power. The survey revealed that 59% of French people oppose it (+6 points) while the percentage of those who have a good opinion decreases to 39% (-2 points).

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