DOT Emarat – a cholesterol anti-obesity drug


Scientists in the United States invented a hot pepper drug, an anti-obesity drug, and the drug has successfully pbaded laboratory tests.

The new drug metabocin was tested in laboratory mice whose diets were high in fat, and researchers will present their findings at the Society's annual meeting for the study of ingest behavior SSIB, which will be held in Florida. Metabucin reacts with TRPV1 receptors, a protein known to be part of the body temperature and pain regulation mechanism, including capsaicin-induced heartburn in chili and cell membranes. adipose tissue. This substance activates the new receptors of the drug, influencing white adipose tissue (which binds most fatty tissues in the human body).

Under the influence of capicycine, white adipose tissue begins to turn into a new fatty brown tissue, The new tissue protects the human body from the cold and contributes to the emission of heat. According to scientists, this process helps burn fat and prevent it from accumulating.

During experiments, scientists added methabucine to rat food (high in calories) for 8 months.

Experts confirm that, despite the effectiveness of the drug, the drug has not been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of hypertension, However, hot food (chilli) can not be considered a way to reduce weight because most of the capsaicin that enters the body with food is not digested, so hot foods can not replace weight. Modified and updated to increase their efficiency in the receivers.

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