Washington: We are not afraid to target the Iranian regime at the highest level

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The President Iran's Hbadan Rowhani and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarif said talks with the Iranian regime would only take place when Washington saw tangible results from Tehran's policy change.

and noted that wealth and The Iranian leaders' corruption show that Iran is being led by something similar to the mafia and not by a government, considering that this system is a "nightmare for the Iranian people." Iran. 19659001] Pompeo said that it was up to the Iranians to determine the course of their country and America would support the long-ignored voice of the Iranian people.

The US government will launch a 24-hour television and radio station,

Pompeo pointed out that the goal of the United States is to stop Iran's support for terrorism in the world and to give freedom to the Iranian people, adding that: Allies in Europe are not immune from Iranian terrorist activities. Foreign Minister US President Bashar al-Assad and Hezbollah and Shiite Militias – pro-Iran and Hamas are all fed with Iranian money, noting that the Iranian regime spends three times as much for the fighters of the country. Hezbollah as Iranian fighters

Iran has warned Iranian crude oil exports by Nov. 4, warning that if they do not do so, they would be subject to US sanctions [19659001RowhaniwarnedhisUScounterpartDonaldTrumponSundayagainstpursuinghostilepoliciesinTehran"YenAmericamustknowthatpeacewithIranistherealpeaceandthewarwithIranisthemotherofallwars"

Rohani said at the 39th. Iranian news agency: "Mr. Trump does not bother the tail of the lion,"


The secretary of state, addressing a hearing in California composed mainly of" the … Iranian-Americans confirmed that negotiations with the Iranian regime would only take place when Washington saw tangible results from Tehran's policy change, Pompio added that Iranian President Hbadan Rowhani and Foreign Minister Zarif have no Were only two brilliant fronts

He noted that the wealth and corruption of Iran's rulers show that Iran is ruled by something similar to the mafia, and not by a government, considering it as a "nightmare for the Iranian people".

The government has mericain will launch a 24-hour Persian-language TV and radio channel as well as digital tools and social media to reach Iranians in Iran and around the world.

Pompeo pointed out that the goal of the states The United States said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah, pro-Iran Shiite militias and Hamas are all fueled by the money . Noting that the Iranian regime spends three times more for Iranian fighters than the Iranian regime.

He pointed out that the United States will work with Iranian oil importers to eject Iran's crude oil exports by Nov. 4, warning that

Rohani warned US counterpart Donald Trump on Sunday. , against the continuation of hostile policies in Tehran, saying: "America should know that peace with Iran is the true peace and war with Iran is the mother of all wars "

Rohani was quoted by ISNA as saying to a host of Iranian diplomats:" Mr. Trump is not playing with the tail of the lion, it will serve to regret. "

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