The German Federation issues an official statement to respond to Ozil's accusations




Monday, July 23, 2018

3:42 p.m.

The German Football Federation (DFB) announced its refusal to accuse Racist Mbadoud Ozil of the midterm, regretting the announcement of his retirement from international football and the end of his career with the German national team. "The German federation has been deeply involved in the process of integration in Germany for many years."

The German Confederation acknowledged "self-criticism" for its contribution to the mismanagement of the Bundesliga, the case concerning the image of Ozil with Turkish President R. But Erdogan stressed that "it was important for Mbadoud Ozil to follow in the footsteps of his colleague Elkay Guindogan, to provide answers to what has been mentioned in this photo, regardless of the sports results of the team at the World Cup in Russia ".

Important role "played by Ozil at the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, confirming that he is still" very grateful for the great offers made by the player in the German team. "

Ozil was Arsenal player, born in Germany of Turkish origin, announced his retirement from international football amidst harsh criticism Due to his image with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan before the Cup of the world that ended in Russia on July 15, he carried unprecedented racist accusations against the president of the German Football Federation Reinhard Grindel and other leaders of the Union. " Grendel and his badistants, I'm German when we win, but I become an immigrant when we lose, "wrote Ozil." The work of people with discriminatory racial backgrounds should no longer be allowed in the largest football federation, including players from families of different backgrounds. "

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