"Al Hussein Cancer" adopts the "principle of precision medicine" in the treatment of patients


Amman, July 28 (Petra) – The King Hussein Cancer Center began laying the foundation for the application of the so-called principle of "micro-medicine" to treat his patients,
Mansour said in a statement to (Petra), that exact medicine uses modern technology in the treatment of disease as well as intelligent devices and electronic medical records and family history of the patient and the badysis of protein and metabolism to the Patient and major data in addition to artificial intelligence.
Wa This treatment pathway will guide the patient to appropriate treatment, spare patients the pain and multiple symptoms badociated with the disease, and reduce the material costs of mistreatment of some cases.
Dr. Mansour has identified methods of preventing cancer. Many types of cancer are preventable, estimating that 60% of cancers can be easily prevented if the right information is available in individuals.
The second method is early detection that saves lives, pointing out that if bad cancer is detected in the first stage is a cure rate of 100% and increases to 93% if detected in the second stage and decreases at 72% in the third stage and decreases to 22% if detected in phase IV
Regarding the third way in the face of cancer, Mansour explains that there is a treatment holistic because we use all our resources and information to provide appropriate treatment to the conditions of the disease to ensure a complete cure.
Fourth in Mau "If we fail in all of the previous steps, we must move on to the fourth method, which is the care of the patient at the stage of death, which helps to relieve pain and avoid unnecessary interference and to preserve human dignity ". This type of care is rare in Arab countries, but Jordan has set up a comprehensive palliative care unit at the King Hussein Cancer Center, which sponsors palliative care for cancer patients
– (Petra)
AS / B / R / 28/07/2018 [Jordanie9003] Al-Khobar (Jordan News: "Al Hussein Cancer" adopts "the principle of precision medicine" with if (d.getElementById (id)) {return; } js = d.createElement (& quot; script & # 39;); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/ar_AR/all.js# appId = & xfbml = 1 "; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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