The Unknown Soldier, "the American Individual", who destroyed the world by creating the virus


  The Unknown Soldier
The Unknown Soldier, "Fred Cohen" The American who destroyed the world by creating the virus

Although he owns a company that protects the information on his personal accounts he was the first to invent a computer virus. 1985, during his end-of-studies project, where Cohen can be described as the person behind the destruction of his various intelligent machines with viruses and malware after developing the first virus in the world.

1956 is an American computer scientist and scientist, the first inventor of the computer virus, which caused the destruction of Malay

The invention of the virus:

Cohen succeeds in inventing the first computer virus in 1985 when he spoke of viruses during his end-of-studies project, where he studied the project of progressive self-cloning software. A computer invented it called Parasitic Application, which can control any computer, and could destroy it completely.

Source: Day Seven


  Nada Abdul Ghaffar

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