dermatitis, also known as is a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the skin characterized by itching, redness and rash, with small blisters in the simplest cases and thicker skin with smaller areas.
Dermatitis is a collection of disease s most often: atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis and the exact cause of dermatitis are often unclear and may include cases of irritation and allergies, General through the The incidence of allergic skin dermatitis is often caused by people who always keep it moist, and allergic contact dermatitis occurs when the allergen is exposed, causing allergic skin reactions.
How to apply suction cups for diseases During the treatment of suction cups, suction is carried out in certain places on the patient's body using plastic cups or sterile silicone. Cups are usually transparent so that the therapist can monitor the amount of suction applied by observing the appearance of the skin. Under the cups, Wei In the case of eczema, suction is applied to the points on the body such as the areas near the belly button, under the kneecap "below."
In case of eczema and acne
The upper knee, "directly above the ankle or neck, at the upper end of the spinal cord, l & # Acne is treated by cupping on the affected area, and sometimes the skin is drawn to eliminate pathogens
The belief that diseases occur when positive energy flows in the air lines By removing this blockage, you can stimulate the body to heal itself, cupping therapy draws blood to infected areas and thus activates the skin tissue, this blood stream brings oxygen and fresh nutrients into the affected area.
The lymphatic system, which produces the antibodies needed to heal wounds, is stimulated.The bloodstream also removes toxins from the body and eliminates pathogens that cause various skin diseases. All of these factors lead to the healing of the skin itself eme, often
Traditional Treatment of Eczema and Psoriasis
Traditional forms of eczema and psoriasis often aim to relieve the symptoms that cause discomfort, such as itching. However, the therapist can recommend to everyone to continue to follow the prescribed treatment, as well as its medical practice and the use of cupping therapy, so that the two treatments complement each other. Because there is always the possibility that the person
It should be noted that cupping should not be performed on the affected areas of the skin, during the acute stages of psoriasis, rosacea or # 39; eczema.
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Tags advantages cupping diseases Skin treatment