Know your body Why do we feel the desire to scratch or scratch?


Itching or wanting to "scratch" things that happen to all of us, you can sometimes feel the itchy desire in your body and you do not know why, and scientists are still studying this possibility, especially when the itching is badociated with skin diseases such as: psoriasis and eczema, through "Know your body" Discover the causes of the itchy sensation in our body.

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According to the websitediscover the magazine "Researchers at the University of Washington's Faculty of Medicine revealed that we felt the need to itch, because our skin was embarrbaded, which can be a little awkward for something as simple as Catch an invisible parasite like ticks, parasites of the skin, like a defensive ruse of the body.

Research has shown that the skin releases certain proteins called cytokines, in coordination with our brain, to begin to feel the need to scratch, when our body attacks the parasites.

But experts are not entirely sure of the cause of disorders such as psoriasis and eczema, which are causing itching, which cause itchy skin, worsen the situation, and end up destroying outer skin cells, which causes the body to release certain proteins. Neuralism, which in turn sends a message to the brain tells us that we must itch.

"In general, scraping is not very helpful for long-term illnesses such as eczema or even short-term itching, such as mosquito bites," says Brian Kim, dermatology specialist. and in immunological diseases.

A number of recent studies have been conducted on how some of these proteins, called cytokines, act in coordination with our brain to initiate a sense of desire to chop.

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A 2013 study found that when researchers prevented certain nerve fibers from the skin of mice from sending and receiving signals to and from the brain, the mice stopped the itching.

These types of findings indicate that, in chronic skin conditions and itching, the brain is likely to work in conjunction with other body systems, such as our immune system, and the cytokines and badociated neurons may be key targets for researchers who wish to develop therapies New skin disorders.

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