Scientists warn of deadly "dog flu"

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Because of the difference, as the strain is likely to spread faster in humans, it is therefore advisable for scientists to monitor animals closely and consult a veterinarian in case of infection.

In their 10-year study, the researchers concluded that the probability of transmission Avian Flu For dogs are contained, while the virus can be mixed with dogs, for example, another strain of transmission to humans without any resistance.

Commenting on the study, Dr. Daesop Song, a researcher at the Korean University, said: "Until now, dogs have not been considered incubators From the fluBut what we have achieved imposes to reinforce the control of the propagation Viruses Of pets, including these organisms ".

Song said his team had discovered the possibility of integrating bird flu with swine flu in order to infect dogs with a new virus called CIVmv, a British "Daily Mail" newspaper reported.

One of the effects of the new strain in animals suffering from suffocation of the airways, coughing and gout, eyes, sneezing, exhaustion and loss of appetite.

According to figures revealed by Song, the "Dog Flu" Mortally high, killing 40% of cats infected with the virus.

Dr. Sung's team is working on the development of a flu vaccine, but its rapid transformation is preventing and challenging the work of scientists.


Because of the difference, as the strain is likely to spread faster in humans, it is therefore advisable for scientists to monitor animals closely and consult a veterinarian in case of infection.

In their 10-year study, researchers concluded that avian influenza can be transmitted to dogs, while in dogs, for example, the virus can mix with another strain that can be transmitted to humans without it. no resistance.

"Until now, dogs have not been considered carriers of the flu," said Dr. Daesop Song, a researcher at the Korean University. Our results suggest that surveillance of the spread of pet viruses, including these organisms, should be strengthened. "

Song said his team had discovered the possibility of integrating bird flu with swine flu in order to infect dogs with a new virus called CIVmv, reported the Daily Mail.

One of the effects of the new strain in animals suffering from suffocation of the airways, coughing and gout, eyes, sneezing, exhaustion and loss of appetite.

According to figures revealed by Song, "the dog flu" is extremely high, killing 40% of cats infected with the virus.

Dr. Sung's team is working on the development of a flu vaccine, but its rapid transformation is preventing and challenging the work of scientists.

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