OPPO challenges Samsung with a phone like no other!


OPPO recently launched the Reno 10x Zoom phone, making it one of the best phones on the market and the most powerful competitor of Samsung's new S10.

The handset is unique in its 16-megapixel camera, hidden inside the chbadis, and comes out of a unique mechanism that has not yet been used in any smartphone, with special sensors that the make it disappear quickly inside the phone in case it happens to not break.

The basic camera for the phone, which accurately carries three-lens (48 + 13 + 8) megapixel lenses, and imaging capabilities make it one of the best handsets with camera picture of the world.

The camera is equipped with technologies that allow it to capture high-resolution images of bright colors in night-vision conditions, record videos with 4K resolution, record 60 frames per second and zoom in on the camera. Picture with an X10.

OPPO has also added a high-resolution OLED screen with ultra-thin contours to compete with Samsung S10 phone displays, eight-core high-performance processors, 8GB RAM, 256GB of internal storage, and built-in fingerprinting. .- (Russia Today)

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