"We are changing the whole law" .. Parliamentary orientation on the former rent of flats



Friday, May 10, 2019

Books – Mohammed Nbadar:

The government's presentation of a bill on former rents in the House of Representatives has caused confusion and anticipation among homeowners and tenants of residential units and businesses subject to the law. Old law on rents and even within the Parliament itself.

The government has presented to Parliament a bill on the old rents of administrative and commercial units and public stores rented to legal entities.

MP Ihab Mansour, a member of Parliament's Housing Committee, said he has not yet received the text of the former rent law submitted by the government to the House of Representatives.

He added that the president of the council, Ali Abdel-Aal, had not sent the law to the committee for review and approval before the end of the current legislature, in accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Court which obliges the Parliament to modify the article 18 of the law n ° 136 of 1981 before the end of the current legislature. Age of the council.

The committee member emphasized the importance of conducting an in-depth parliamentary debate on the problem of old rents in order to include all residential and non-residential units leased to corporations and individuals. problem by its roots and not to correct some of it in response to the decision of the Constitutional Court on prosecution.

MP Ihab Mansour said there was no reason to worry about the residential part of the law of old rents: "People are afraid to just think about it, but we have to change the whole law in all categories, in law reconciliation in building violations that impose heavy fines.The difference in living standards between villages and cities and between regions and the capital with regard to the amount of the fine per meter, led a fraction the return of these fines to improve the level of sanitation and housing services.

On May 5, 2018, the Supreme Constitutional Court annulled Article 18 of the Old Rent Act No. 136 of 1981, relying on the draft law submitted to Parliament, limited to legal entities rented to administrative units. And commercial "non-residential".

He pointed out that the bill had not yet been circulated to the members of the Housing Committee and that, as soon as it was submitted to the Committee, the process of discussion would begin, explaining that members of the House of Representatives are entitled to submit the amendments to the draft law submitted by the government.

The member of the Committee, the existence of about 3 bills in Parliament submitted by the members of the Council regarding the former rent, all residential, commercial and administrative and not limited to the provisions of the bill submitted by the government.

MP Ismael Nasr al-Din, member of the Housing Committee and a bill on old rent amendments, also called for the need to review the law in general, so as not to cause damage or damage.

In a statement, Nasruddin said in a statement that the bill that he had presented with MP Muştiq Mahmoud, a member of the Housing Committee, was aimed at eliminating the dispute between the landlord and the tenant in establishing a basis for the absence of injury or damage. Non-legal persons and non-residential units, then commercial units and finally residential units.

He explained that the amendment presented by the Government was an implementation of the decision of the Constitutional Court in order to preserve the economic, social, political and developmental role of public and private legal entities occupying premises rented to housing purposes.

MP Abdel Moneim Al-Alimi, a member of the Parliament's Constitutional and Legislative Committee, and 60 other people, called for an urgent discussion, because of the speed of debate on the bill that had been submitted to him on old rents.

Al-Alimi told Lamasrawi that the old rent crisis was to be discussed as a whole and not the jurisdiction to debate a single article, in accordance with the ruling of the Supreme Constitutional Court, stressing that the amendment of the law as a whole would not result in the exclusion of tenants Over a period of years until you reach the market value of the unit or store, the contracts are then released and treated in accordance with Civil Law No. 4 of 1996.

A member of the Legislative Committee said: "The decision of the Constitutional Court was limited to legal persons, because the case in question concerned legal persons.If this article is amended and another judgment is rendered by the Constitutional Court on places of residence or retail stores, we will repeat the same scenario, The new device is approached, so we must seize this opportunity to solve the problem of all the old rents and complete them from one stroke. "

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