"Blue Moon" .. The Earth experiences an extraordinary astronomical phenomenon

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The newspaper said "Independent" The British The blue moon This does not mean that its color is blue, but the term is used by scientists and experts to indicate an additional wholeness of the moon, or the completion of the moon in a chapter of the year.

She explained that the name of the complete phenomenon is "Blue full moon flower", Where it often appears in the spring, when the flowers begin to bloom, indicating that this usually happens every two or three years.

Experts propagate this phenomenon by saying "Contrary to what observers expect, the moon is not blue, but the label is usually called Astronomical phenomenon Means that the moon is completed twice in one month.

Scientists predict, according to available data, Phenomenon Still in May 2021.

In 2019, the world had already witnessed such remarkable phenomena "The bloody moon"And" The Pink Moon "And" Moonworm ", which transmits the moon full moon in March.

The march coincides with the beginning of spring, where it often begins temperature When the rise begins, thawing begins, then earthworms and others begin to appear on the surface.


The Blue Moon does not mean that it is blue, but scientists and experts use this term to signal additional moon completions or the completion of the moon in one of the seasons.

She explained that the full name of the phenomenon is "blue flower of the full moon", where it often appears in the spring, when flowers begin to bloom, indicating that this usually happens every two or three years.

Experts propagate this phenomenon by saying "Contrary to what observers expect, the moon is not blue, but the label usually refers to an astronomical phenomenon which means that the moon ends twice in a month. "

According to the available data, scientists expect the phenomenon to recur in May 2021.

By 2019, the world had already witnessed phenomena as remarkable as the "Bloody Moon", "The Pink Moon" and "Moon of Worm", which transmit the full moon in March.

March coincides with early spring, when temperatures often begin to rise and the ice begins to melt, and then earthworms and others begin to appear on the surface.

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