Gold price on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 in the morning shops


We are watching you Gold prices today Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at Al-Sagha Stores Morning transactions, where they operate Gold prices in Egypt Economic information is important for a lot of people and is of interest to married people in Egypt, but investors and savers are also concerned about their money because gold is tied to the global economy, which is a haven for many people. people in Egypt and other Arab countries. The economy of many countries, is attested The price of gold This decline is the lowest since the beginning of the new year and the gold market has suffered from price volatility, this is the case of daily fluctuation between the rise and fall another time.

Gold prices today
Gold prices today

Gold prices on Wednesday May 22nd

Witnesses Gold prices in Egypt The case of fluctuation between the rise and fall of other periods, prices have stabilized during the day, where the record Price of one gram of gold 21 pounds, the most prevalent in local Egyptian markets (605.8 pounds), while the price of sterling gold today is 4927 pounds sterling, while the ounce of gold Gold has been recorded on world markets at 1274 dollars today.

caliber Price in Egypt without manufacturing
Price in USD
24 gauge
692.4 $ 41
650 $ 37
Caliber 21
605.8 $ 36
18 gauge
519.3 $ 30
410 $ 24
Gold book 4927 $ 287
Oz of gold _____ $ 1,274
Kg of gold 692430 ____

The price of gold today in the jeweler's shops

The average price of manufacturing and stamping in jeweler's stores varies between 50 and 65 pounds depending on the type of gauge. D & # 39; gold As well as different saga stores from one province to another and from one trader to another, generally representing a percentage of 7 to 10% of the price of one gram of gold, we can see Gold price There are some disparities from one distributor to the other, while in the goldsmiths, there is no noticeable disparity because the prices are related to the world price and that difference does not differ. generally does not affect the final price in grams.

Factors affecting the price of gold in Egypt

The changes are due to the movement Gold price For many local and global factors, including The price of the dollar In banks and the black market, the situation of supply and demand in the buyer market and the price of ounces of gold globally, because of the volatility of the price of the dollar and instability, bring about changes Gold price If they increase or decrease significantly, but usually change Gold price Affected by price variation globally.

Gold price outlook for the coming period

It is expected that the price will fluctuate due to the arrival of Ramadan and after Eid al-Fitr and many opportunities for engagement and marriage during this period, which cause a fluctuation of the price of gold and should increase the price of gold between 20 and 35 pounds per gram of gold.

Update: Latest news of gold prices

  • Stability Gold prices today Wednesday, May 22, 2019 on the local markets, where the price of the pound of gold reached 499 LE, then Price of one gram of gold The caliber price is 24, the price of 692.4 Egyptian pounds, while the record value of 21 caliber is 605.6 pounds, while the gold ounce recorded a gain of 1274 dollars, knowing that this price does not include the value of the stamp or the execution, which represents Another province is in another province.

We welcome your comments to your expectations of what could happen in Gold price In the next days.

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