"Benefits of exercise" on human health


It is considered one of the most important sports that should be sporting every day, because of the human health benefits, both psychologically and physically, that we recognize in the lines to come, according to the website. active"He said.

Advantages of the race on human health:

– Running helps raise good cholesterol, improves lung function and strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent infectious diseases and reduce the risk of blood clots.

Benefits of running (3)

– Running is an important sport for women because it helps reduce the risk of bad cancer or stroke. This is why many doctors recommend this procedure to patients in early diabetes, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

Benefits of running (1)

– Running helps to lose or maintain a constant weight because it is one of the ways to burn more calories.

– It helps to increase the feeling of self-confidence and reduce the feeling of stress and tension, which makes you happy.

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